Terri Irwin, the widow of Steve Irwin, received tons of love from her family on her birthday. Her daughter, Bindi Irwin, posted a photo on her Instagram with her family, including her husband, Chandler Powell and one-year-old daughter Grace Warrior, with the caption, "Mum, I couldn’t wait to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So excited to celebrate your birthday tomorrow and the amazing, beautiful, inspiring person you are." She continued, "Thank you for being born. I love you more than I could possibly describe and every day I’m grateful for your kind heart and strong soul. Of all the good things in this world, you’re the most wonderful." https://twitter.com/BindiIrwin/status/1549355572717580289?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet https://twitter.com/RobertIrwin/status/1549560789932974080?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet https://twitter.com/chandlerpowell9/status/1549518488251043840?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Robert Irwin, Bindi's younger brother, also took to his Instagram to post various photos with his mother, who turned 58 on Wednesday, honoring her on her big day. "Happy birthday mum! Thank you for taking us all on so many adventures and for inspiring me every single day. You are the strongest person I know. Love you," he wrote in the caption. Chandler Powell posted a video on his Instagram where he is seen releasing turtles into the water with Terri. "Releasing sea turtles to the EAC with my awesome mum-in-law! Happy Birthday, Terri. Thank you for your unending kindness and constant support," he wrote in the caption. "Your unwavering strength and leadership inspires us all. Can’t wait to party today!" In an interview with People in May, Bindi opened up about the appreciation she has for her mother, who managed to raise both her and her brother on her own after their father died in 2006 in a diving accident where he was pierced in the chest by a sting ray. "[Mom] managed to raise two little kids as well as taking care of Australia Zoo and making sure it kept running, making sure Dad's legacy continued on, keeping up with all of our conservation work on a global scale. I am speechless. I don't know how she did it all. She's such a strong superwoman," she said.