A conservative Christian group based in Virginia was turned away from a restaurant due to its religious beliefs. Victoria Cobb, president of the non-profit Christian lobbying organization Family Foundation of Virginia, spoke to Fox News Digital about the incident that occurred at Metzger Bar and Butchery. "Yeah, we were certainly shocked that this happened and I think most people assume that food service is something we can all agree on and so it is stunning and it does feel a bit like no Christians can eat here," she said. The Family Foundation scheduled an event Nov. 30, at the Metzger Bar and Butchery, which later learned of the group’s political and religious views. The establishment canceled the event about an hour and a half before it was set to begin. Cobb explained that when you go to the organization's website, which she said one of the restaurant staff members claimed they googled, you will see that they state that they are "faith based." 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." In a statement on the organization's website under "Who We Are,” it reads, "We advocate for policies based on Biblical principles that enable families to flourish at the state and local level. We are uniquely positioned at the center of a national, state, and local coalition, which includes being associated with Focus on the Family." "So it absolutely does feel like there's a religious discrimination happening by this restaurant," she added. https://youtu.be/4ilspxp1kh4 Cobb told Fox News Digital, "It's alarming and disgraceful that a restaurant has a religious or political litmus test for who gets in the door. I think people will find that very disturbing." Metzger Bar and Butchery issued a statement on its Instagram page, claiming they have "always refused service to anyone" for making their staff "uncomfortable or unsafe" and that was the "driving force" behind their decision. The restaurant also wrote that many of their staff members are a part of the LGBTQ community and that the "political organization" "seeks to deprive women and LGBTQ+ persons of their basic human rights in Virginia." "Many of our staff are women and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community. All of our staff are people with rights who deserve dignity and a safe work environment. We respect our staff's established rights as humans and strive to create a work environment where they can do their jobs with dignity, comfort and safety," the business concluded.