A photographer at the White House captured the inside of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany's briefing folder. During the press briefings, McEnany quickly goes through her binder and answers at a rapid pace of questions from reporters on various topics. The briefings are roughly 20-30 minutes long. And, now, a photographer from Reuters has captured the topics that are in McEnany's briefing binder, the binder she uses to quickly fire back responses to the reporters. Among the topics shown, in alphabetical order, include: Absurd, CDC, China, Election, Fauci, Flynn, Goya, Hate, Lies, Obama Reopen, School, Wins, among several others. See the photo below: https://twitter.com/j_ernst_DC/status/1283920371268431877?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1283920371268431877%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fijr.org%2Fwp-admin%2Fpost.php%3Fpost%3D1246959action%3Dedit https://twitter.com/DCDining/status/1283909758005764097 The photo of McEnany's briefing folder is a glimpse into the messaging from within the administration. Previously, a photographer from Getty Images captured a photo of President Donald Trump's note that has Sharpie letters all over it. The note read, "I WANT NOTHING. I WANT NOTHING. I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO. TELL ZELLINSKY [sic] TO DO THE RIGHT THING. THIS IS THE FINAL WORD FROM THE PRES OF THE U.S." https://twitter.com/politico/status/1197228545631760385 Getty Images photographer Mark Wilson previously told Wired about getting the shot, "I quickly noticed that the pad contained large handwritten notes in Sharpie and focused my camera to capture what was on the page."