Olivia Newton-John's daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, has opened up about her late mother. On Feb. 17, in her first television interview following her mother’s death, Lattanzi told "Today” what her mother’s last words to her were. “The last words she could say to me was, ‘My sunshine,'” she said. Lattanzi added right before Newton-John "lost her ability to speak, she was making jokes.” She also expressed her love for her mother, who to her was not the celebrity the world knew her to be. “I love my mom more than anything,” she shared. “She’s my mama, you know? She’s not Olivia Newton-John to me, but I’m so glad that she was Olivia Newton-John for so many people.” She shared her gratitude to Newton-John's fans who have helped her get through this difficult time in her life. "It actually has been a life raft. It has felt like a big hug from the universe,” she explained. “And I’m very grateful for all of the people who reached out to us and extended their heart and their connection.” https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/1626573437761101828?cxt=HHwWiICx7Y7735ItAAAA Newton-John died on Aug. 8, 2022, after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 73 years old. Newton-John’s widower, John Easterling, was also apart of the interview and spoke about how he's been able to cope with her passing. “A guy I was flying with said, ‘You know, John, when you’re lucky enough to have found your true soul mate, and you share a heart, when one passes, the other has the obligation to live life for both.’ And that was very empowering and very powerful for me, and, you know, and gave a way forward," he tearfully said. On Aug. 10, he penned an emotional tribute to her on her official Instagram page. "Olivia, Our love for each other transcends our understanding. Every day we expressed our gratitude for this love that could be so deep, so real, so natural. We never had to ‘work’ on it. We were in awe of this great mystery and accepted the experience of our love as past, present and forever," he wrote in the caption with a photo of the couple together.