Late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel's show is presenting a toy based around Christmas and the coronavirus pandemic. This year, "Jimmy Kimmel Live" show presented "Fauci on a couchi," which is similar to the holiday tradition of The Elf on the Shelf, but represents Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House coronavirus task force. "In 2020 there's a whole new set of guidelines," the narrator says in the video, adding, "Fauci on a couchi — the holiday helper that keeps COVID in check." The elf resembling Fauci offers children advice throughout the video, such as not leaving the house without a mask, sneezing into one's elbow, and washing one's hands for the recommended amount of time. "Nothing escapes Dr. Fauci's watchful eye," the narrator says, later adding, "You never know where he'll pop up next," as the doll appears out of a toilet. The narrator adds, "Each one handcrafted and actual size," appearing to take a swipe at Fauci's height — 5'7," as SB Nation reports. The video jokes that the elf "dispenses anti-bacterial mist" once everyone in the house goes to sleep to "sanitize the entire house." Watch the video below: "But don't let Fauci catch you spreading disinformation," the narrator continues, as a child calls the COVID-19 a "hoax." The elf then destroys the laptop the child is talking on and says, "CD-see ya later." Kimmel's show previously presented other elf look-alikes, such as "Mueller On A Cruller," "Huckabee in a Tree," and "Trump on a Stump," among others.