Hollywood praised actress Pamela Anderson for attending shows at Paris Fashion Week without makeup. On Monday, actress Jamie Lee Curtis posted two photos of Anderson, 56, makeup-free at the Isabel Marant Spring/Summer 2024 womenswear fashion collection presentation on Wednesday and credited her for spearheading "the natural beauty revolution." "[Pamela Anderson] in the middle of fashion week with so many pressures and postures, and and and, this woman showed up and claimed her seat at the table with nothing on her face. I am so impressed and floored by this act of courage and rebellion," Curtis wrote in the caption. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) Other Hollywood stars also applauded Anderson. "That’s pretty iconic," comedian Chelsea Handler wrote in the comments. Actress Selma Blair shared, "Love this. Beautiful self assuredness.(sic)" Actress Alyssa Milano called Anderson, "So gorgeous." Users on Instagram also praised the "Baywatch" actress. "And she’s even more beautiful without the makeup," one user wrote. Another user stated this was "the best" they've "ever seen her." "Gorgeous!" the user added. Another user emphasized the pressures placed on women by the beauty industry. "For those saying that wearing or not wearing make up (sic) is a choice, to s (sic) certain extent is true but remember the strong pressure exerted by industries and society around buying certain products and looking a certain way. It's not as free as it sounds," the user wrote. Another user defended Anderson against her critics. "To hell with anyone who criticizes her. This took guts, and the reactions we saw and heard are exactly why. Women should feel comfortable in their own skin, and if wearing makeup harms that, they should never be expected to look a certain way," the user noted. On Sunday, Anderson spoke about her decision in a post on her Instagram page. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pamela Anderson (@pamelaanderson) "An adventure in Paris with fresh eyes. There is beauty in self acceptance, imperfection and love," she wrote.