The actor who was known for his iconic role as "Albus Dumbledore" in six out of eight "Harry Potter" films passed away at the age of 82. Gambon passed away following a "bout of pneumonia," his representative Clair Dobbs said in a statement to Page Six. His family was by his side at the time of his passing. "We are devastated to announce to loss of Sir Michael Gambon," Dobbs said in her statement. "Beloved husband and father, Michael died peacefully in hospital with his wife Anne and son Fergus at his bedside, following a bout of pneumonia." "We ask that you respect our privacy at this painful time and thank you for your messages of support and love," the statement added. Gambon began his acting career in Dublin, Ireland, and his first stage appearance was in a production of "Othello" in 1962. In 1998, Gambon went on to be knighted for his services to the entertainment industry.