Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick was called out by a Gold Star mom in 2019, and he continues to make headlines in 2022. Back in 2019, Gold Star mom Amanda Jacobs torched Kaepernick in a July 4 speech, where she said, "When I look at this country today and I tell people, and I’ve wanted to say this loud so many times, Colin Kaepernick was getting paid $14 million dollars a year to throw a ball. My son died for $14,000 a year and he’s given more than any football player, any athlete, has ever given." Amanda Jacobs' son was killed in combat while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. She later told “Fox & Friends" that the "flag is a symbol. … It’s a symbol of hope," adding, "The American flag stands for freedom. It stands for our rights." Check out the video below: Kaepernick — who last played for the NFL during the 2016-2017 season ― has likened the NFL to slavery, and yet has pleaded for another chance to play in the NFL. He worked out with the Las Vegas Raiders in May, but even that has received criticism. Former NFL player Warren Sapp recently told Vlad TV he heard the workout was "one of the worst workouts ever." Per Larry Brown Sports, former NFL player LaVarr Arrington told FOX Sports Radio show that Sapp has close connections with the Raiders. "If you’ve played for an organization you know people in the organization. There’s certain places that you can get information that in other cases you wouldn’t get that information,” Arrington said. He continued, “Sapp played for the Raiders, and Sapp probably has a relationship with a couple people that are in the organization. If Sapp didn’t know, hear, or have a discussion with someone who was in the organization he wouldn’t have even talked about it.” Kaepernick, a former San Francisco 49ers player, began protesting in 2016 and took a knee during the national anthem to protest against police brutality.