Scientific American, a once-revered science magazine, has devolved into another left-wing propaganda outlet under the warped stewardship of its liberal editor-in-chief, Laura Helmuth.
This week, Helmuth was lampooned on social media and fact-checked by Twitter’s truth team for pushing the bird-brained, Democratic talking point that there are more than two biological sexes.
“White-throated sparrows have four chromosomally distinct sexes that pair up in fascinating ways,” she tweeted Wednesday.
Helmuth added: “P.S. Nature is amazing P.P.S. Sex is not binary.”
The tweet linked to a Scientific American article that read: “Looking at White-throats in the breeding season, we see four distinct types. To oversimplify, we could call them super-aggressive males, more nurturing males, somewhat aggressive females, and super-nurturing females.
“It’s almost as if the White-throated Sparrow has four sexes. That may sound like a joke, but it’s actually a good description of what’s going on.”
Helmuth’s absurd tweet received an “Added Context” notification through Twitter’s Community Notes feature, which explained: “White-throated sparrows have 2 sexes with 4 unique chromosome combinations.
“There are still just 2 sexes that produce either sperm or eggs. The female types are the white-striped females and the tan-striped females. The male birds are white-striped males and tan striped males.”
In other words, even if white-throated sparrows have four sex chromosomes, as Helmuth claimed, that does not mean they come in four genders.
Moreover, even if it were true that white-throated sparrows came in four genders, that does not mean this is a rule that applies to all species, especially humans. After all, people are not birds.
Numerous Twitter users roasted Helmuth’s farcical rejection of basic biology.
Editor-in-chief of “Scientific” American tries to push unscientific gender nonsense and gets community noted. Glorious.
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) May 19, 2023
Laura didn’t see that window.
— Dutch Rapper Lil’ Wiener (@GayLittleWiener) May 18, 2023
When your gender flat-earthism gets the Twitter fact check. Outstanding.
— Stephen Knight ?️ (@GSpellchecker) May 18, 2023
Evolutionary biologist Colin Wright tweeted: “No, these birds have 2 sexes. Stop spreading scientific disinformation.”
He then linked to an article he wrote in March debunking the very claim Helmuth had tweeted.
No, these birds have 2 sexes. Stop spreading scientific disinformation.
— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) May 17, 2023
Several Twitter commenters said it’s sad to see Helmuth sacrificing Scientific American’s credibility on the altar of her twisted, left-wing activism.
You really should ask why the religion of gender ideology would require you to destroy your professional credibility like this.
— Bleu Cheque (@VERBAL_CHANCLA) May 17, 2023
Tragic to see @sciam, like so many other once-serious outlets, turning into Buzzfeed. But that’s what you get for hiring “science journalists” instead of scientists, I suppose.
— Cecelia (@Ceceliaism) May 18, 2023
1/ What my eminent friend Professor Christakis says is, alas, true: It is incredible–unbelievable–how deeply the once esteemed magazine Scientific American has sunk into the mire of ideology.
— Robert P. George????? (@McCormickProf) May 19, 2023
This is the editor of a once-prestigious popular science magazine that published works by the likes of Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.
They really ought to consider changing the name from Scientific American to Activist American.
— Storm (@stormrobinson) May 18, 2023
Scientific American’s tragic slide into the steaming dung pile of left-wing propaganda emissaries masquerading as objective journalistic outlets has been happening for years, but it escalated on Helmuth’s watch.
In October 2020 — just six months after she became editor-in-chief — the pop science magazine broke a 175-year tradition by endorsing then-Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the presidential election.
In abandoning the oldest U.S. magazine’s tradition of being nonpartisan, the outlet wrote: “Scientific American has never endorsed a presidential candidate in its 175-year history. This year we are compelled to do so. We do not do this lightly.”
In typical liberal media fashion, the magazine also trashed then-President Donald Trump by claiming — get this! — that he rejects science.
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