In his Thursday night address to the nation, President Joe Biden laid the groundwork for a nationwide gun grab. During his remarks, he repeated his now-familiar argument that no amendment is absolute.
Because disarming Americans is a subject dear to most liberals’ hearts, MSNBC’s far-left host Chris Hayes felt compelled to weigh in on the debate.
Hayes on Twitter declared the conservative understanding of the Second Amendment as “an *obviously* deranged reading of it.”
An increasingly mainstream message of gun maximalists is that the *reason* to be armed is so that you can use violence or the threat of it to get your way in the political sphere, basically:”People in government need to worry we’ll pump their bodies full of lead if they cross us”
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 3, 2022
Hayes continued writing that “In fact, under a certain (once fringe, now common) reading, that’s the whole *point* of the second amendment. People should be sufficiently armed to be able to murder agents of the state en masse if it comes to that.”
“This,” Hayes told his followers, is “an *obviously* deranged reading of it all, totally incompatible with basic principles of civic life and liberal democracy, but it casts a very long and ominous shadow over our politics right now. One that’s getting longer by the day.”
Here’s just one example basically at random, subtly dropped in towards the end of the ad. The second amendment is so people can protect themselves from “intruders or an overly intrusive government.”
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 3, 2022
“Just play out what that means,” he wrote. “You have the right to shoot an intruder to your home. And you have to right to … put a bullet in the head of someone from the government who is doing things that are ‘overly intrusive.'”
And Hayes concluded: “That’s why, of course, as Stevens’ dissent in Heller so persuasively shows, the ‘well-regulated militia’ stuff in the text of the amendment isn’t just throat clearing. The Founders were smart enough not [to] have their new government cede its monopoly on the legitimate use of force.”
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