President Joe Biden was asked about his 2024 agenda, but seemed to make a gaffe, instead referring to it as "2020." The president was asked during an interview on "Late Night With Seth Meyers" what his 2024 agenda was, because, as host Seth Meyers put it, "we live in such crazy times .. that is one of the things I feel we hear less about." Responding, Biden said, "Look the 2020 agenda is to finish the job." The president also tried to deflect concerns about his age during the interview, as IJR reported on. "This isn’t a gotch-ya show but I do want to ask you about it… You are currently 81-years-old… All jokes aside, according to recent polling, this is a real concern for American voters," Meyers said, asking, "How do you address that concern going forward as you come up to the 2024 election?" Instead, Biden decided to attack former President Donald Trump. Watch the video below: As NBC News reported in early February, "Despite a growing economy and little opposition for his party’s nomination, President Joe Biden confronts a dissatisfied electorate and a challenging political climate nine months before he faces re-election." Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly noted that she is "ready" to be president. She told The Wall Street Journal previously, "I am ready to serve. There’s no question about that," when asked if she was ready to be president. During another interview, with Rhyan Henson of Gray’s Washington New Bureau, Harris was asked, "What do you say to those concerns specifically if he had to pass the powers to you for a one second, one minute? Heaven forbid. You know, I ask with all due respect, but, you know, would you, are you capable, are you ready to step into the role and do whatever the country needs?" "I am absolutely ready,” she responded. “But thank God our president is in good shape and good health and is ready to lead in our second term." A February Harvard Center for American Political Studies/Harris poll found Biden trailing Trump 53% to 47%, when voters were asked to choose between the two. The survey also found that Biden's approval saw a small uptick but was "still underwater." In addition, it found the perception of Biden's handling of key issues "remains underwater." Only "reacting to coronavirus" received above 50% on "strongly or somewhat approve," while economy, immigration, Israeli-Hamas conflict, among others received less than 50% approval. Per the survey, "A majority of voters say they approve of the job Trump did as president, driven by a diverse segment of voters." A 2024 general election poll average, as of Feb. 25, shows Trump leading Biden 47% to 44.9%. Super Tuesday will be on Tuesday, March 5, where “more than a third of all GOP delegates will be up for grabs” this year, as U.S. News & World Report writes.