President Joe Biden reportedly unloaded epithets toward his predecessor in private. Politico reported Thursday that in private the 46th president tends to lose his filter when talking about former President Donald Trump. The outlet notes that during a speech at Valley Forge, Biden bashed Trump for poking fun at the assault of Paul Pelosi. "At his rally, he jokes about an intruder, whipped up by the Big Trump Lie, taking a hammer to Paul Pelosi’s skull," Biden said. He continued, "And he thinks that’s funny. He laughed about it. What a sick…” Politico points out, "Biden let his voice trail off as the crowd cheered and chuckled.In private, he doesn’t stop short." It reports that when speaking to "longtime friends and close aides," he has called Trump a "sick f*ck." Politico cited three people who heard Biden use that phrase to criticize his predecessor. Biden has also reportedly said of Trump, "What a f***ing asshole the guy is.” Politico added, "The epithets may cut against the image Biden often projects as someone eager to take down the level of incivility and acrimony in politics. But they also illustrate a core anger he has developed toward the man he ousted from office and may very well face again." Trump campaign Chris Lacivita responded to the report, saying, "It’s a shame that Crooked Joe Biden disrespects the presidency both publicly and privately." "But then again, it’s no surprise he disrespects the 45th president the same way he disrespects the American people with his failed policies," he added.