A two-time contestant on the show "Survivor" has died. Keith Nale, who appeared on the show from 2014 to 2015, died after a brief battle with cancer, his son, Wes, told “Entertainment Tonight”(ET). Kevin Nale, Keith Nale's brother, told the outlet, "A life taken way too soon!" He added, "It happened so quickly. Cancer ate him up." Keith Nale revealed his brother passed on the afternoon of April 18 at his home in Shreveport, Louisiana. He was 62. Kelley Wentworth, Keith Nale's co-star on "Survivor: Cambodia," paid tribute to him on her Twitter page. "Keith - a man with the purest heart, who brought humor into moments where it was needed most. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to meet Keith & share memories together on the beaches of Nicaragua & Cambodia. My heart is with the entire Nale family," she wrote in the caption of a video of the former paramedic and fire captain. She added, "This is a devastating loss." In the video, she wrote, "Nale took us all away from the game for a short time, and this brief moment of 'normal' was unforgettable." https://twitter.com/kelleywentworth/status/1648517089349730304?%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1648517089349730304%7Ctwgr%5E2b8af9404f80a523da6e0e7c6c8016e93a059854%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etonline.com%2Fkeith-nale-two-time-survivor-contestant-dead-at-62-exclusive-202953 Users on Twitter expressed their love for Keith Nale who was "a beloved fan-favorite," per Fox News. "Many wonderful people on 'Survivor,' but Keith is on top. So sad to hear of his passing," one user wrote. Another user wrote, "He was one of my favorites to watch on both seasons he played on. For sure to me a guy who deserved to win that never did. He always had me laughing when I saw him and just seeing how genuine he was always came through the tv screen." "Rest in Peace, Keith. Such a terrible loss for the 'Survivor' Community. Prayers for the Family and the 'Survivor' Community," another user wrote.